Terms of use & privacy

Please read how at smili.eu we appreciate and protect your privacy and how we use cookies to enhance your browsing experience in our site.

Personal Data

The smili.eu website does not collect the personal data of its visitors, for any reason. Subscription to the newsletter is optional and only requires an e-mail address submission. The subscribed user consents to the use of the data he registers in order to receive the e-mail newsletters. The smili.eu website commits neither to use the collected through this process e-mail addresses of its visitors, for reasons other than the distribution of newsletters, nor to share them with third parties. The newsletters sent by the smili.eu website may contain advertisements or banners. Each newsletter allows users to configure the registered data, as well as unsubscribe from the service and delete all data registered for this purpose.

The smili.eu website uses the Facebook platform in order to enable visitors to like and share the texts and videos of the website through their Facebook account. The smili.eu website expressly states that it does not acquire any of the personal data of visitors participating in this way. The privacy of Facebook users’ personal data is subject to the privacy terms of the platform and can be found here (add link). Smili.eu uses Facebook tools in order to collect information through the use of cookies, web beacons and other Facebook storage technologies for audit purposes. The privacy of Facebook users’ personal data is subject to the privacy terms of the platform and can be found here.

Smili.eu uses, through cookies and other technologies, the Google Analytics platform, to compile anonymous monitoring statistics in order to determine the areas in which the content of smili.eu is useful or popular, or for marketing purposes. The smili.eu website does not use the information collected to display behavioral ads on its pages (advertising based on visitor preferences). The protection of personal data about cookies and other technologies used by Google on smili.eu for monitoring is subject to the privacy terms of the platform and can be found here.




The smili.eu website may use cookies to identify its visitors. Cookies are small text files stored on the hard drive of each visitor and do not retrieve information from any document or file from their computer. They are used only for access to specific services of smili.eu and for statistical purposes in order to determine the areas in which the services of smili.eu are useful or popular, or for marketing purposes. The visitors at smili.eu may configure their browser to either warn them about the use of cookies on specific pages of smili.eu, or not to accept the use of cookies at all. In the event that a visitor of specific pages of smili.eu does not wish to use cookies for their identification, they may not be able to further access these services or pages.


General Terms

The content of this website bears the copyright and trademark of smili.eu. Any kind of republication, copying, modification, reproduction, transmission or distribution is prohibited in any form. The products or services appearing on this website and bearing the marks of other organizations or companies are their own intellectual property.


Agreement and Acceptance

The above terms and conditions of use of smili.eu, reading of its texts, listening to audio files, viewing of photos and videos and the use of its services, as well as any modification thereof, are governed by and supplemented by Greek law, European Union law relating to personal data (GDPR) and relevant international treaties. The smili.eu website does not use the information collected for any reason other than those mentioned in the terms of use of the website. These terms constitute the complete agreement between smili.eu and the visitor of its pages. The use of smili.eu by its visitors requires the understanding and total acceptance of all the above mentioned terms.


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